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Building bitcoin/litecoin on mac os x missing EC.h

For my own fun, I was playing around with bitcoin, to check how the parameters of the cryptocurrencies can be modified.

After recent upgrades to my OS, I could not build any longer the bitcoind. Seems like something changed on that side. Now this command

./configure --with-gui=qt5 --enable-debug

Was sistematically producing 

configure: error: OpenSSL ec header missing

EC is the file for elliptic curve cryptography. I had brew correctly configured, and the header files were all correctly present. After some time spent inspecting the issue, on github I was able to find the solution for this problem. I simply add to export the following

export LDFLAGS=-L/usr/local/opt/openssl/lib
export CPPFLAGS=-I/usr/local/opt/openssl/include
There is aksi pull request on bitcoin for that, I hope I could save you some time


Unknown said…
I have the same problem. Through

brew info openssl,

it says something like
"openssl ... (bottled).

Does that mean the openssl from brew doesn't have certain cipher like ec?

I tried to compile from source code myself, but haven't been able to solve the problem. It can be that I messed up at some steps. It will be very helpful if there is automatic step like brew for OsX.
When something is bottled into brew, it means is not automatically linked in /usr/local/lib . This happens because mac os x is shipped with another openssl implementation who could potentially conflict with the one from brew. That's why it's not automatically linked, but you have to explicitly do it

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