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Extracting a single field from a very long json file

Trivial task, but still can save some time to somebody, so I am gladly sharing.
A friend of a mine has an huge json file, and she had to extract all unique value for a field called "title".  The file was too big to be processed from a notepad or an excel.

With those comands, I was able to obtain a clean, unique and sorted list list of all the content.

grep -o -E '"title":"[^"]+",' tmp.json | sort |uniq > output.txt

sed -i 's/"title":"//g' output.txt

sed -i 's/",//g' output.txt


Unknown said…
You can do the same with just one command:
sed -n "s/^.*\"title\":\"\([^\"]*\)\",.*/\1/p" tmp.json | uniq | sort > output.txt
Francesco De Collibus said…
yes, true as well

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