Skip to main content and ulimit.... a tricky combo

From version 7 onward, the Application Server scripts and configuration scripts have the good manner to set by themselves the right ulimit valu. So ulimit is now less a problem than it was before. The problem is that, sometime when dealing with linux services,things do not always get right.

For example you get exceptions such as

[11/14/13 12:06:15:483 CET] 00000066 exception     E authenticateWithPassword
                        CWWIM4520E  The 'javax.naming.CommunicationException: [Root exception is Too many open files]' naming exception occurred during processing.

(In case you are asking, yes, network connections are counted as open files)

That's why I strongly suggest to modify your /etc/security/limits.conf (on RedHat) before restarting your machine, after you added service to your linux box. We added to the file the following two lines to the /etc/security/limits.conf

*               soft    nofile            32768
*               hard   nofile            32768

and then restarted the machine and had my Connections environment working.


Unknown said…
Io l'avrei chiamato "Collabora et Labora"... perchè non amo molto "l'ora" :-) Ciao Franceschiello ;-)

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